ponedjeljak, 8. listopada 2007.

Missing Point

˝Missing Point˝ is a novel about a guy called Galigo Patalino, an Architecture student, a rocker in his campus, an activist and a writer.

But, unfortunately he also well known as a rebel among his friends and by his Professors. Galigo PataLino is trying to against a Mayor candidat to gain power, by expossing and investigating the Canal Project Design of the city.

His investigation, based on his very raw knowledge of Architectural and civil works. But, intuitively he knew that the canal project based on some corruption conspiracies. And it is not a practical design to protect the city and the community from flood that have been regularly create some huge social disasters. The canal project, designed by the Mayor candidate, his own Professor in Architecture.
While dealing with some problems caused by his ´rebellious´campus scale activities, he also writing a novel, called ´Missing Point´ a term of Architectural drawing methods, that he apply into ´philosophical´ zone. In this book -Missing Point- he combined an ancient philosophies, based on a tale of his ancestor, some musics and social-intellectual movements.

The main character in his novel, called PatanYali, a humorist and a ´time traveller.´ Everytime PatanYali want to go for ˝ time traveling ˝, he uses some ˝mantras˝ based on some actual song lyrics.

Galigo, finally using his philosophical perception of ´Missing Point´ to be applied in his real life to solve the problems.

Currently -since 2005- the name of PatanYali, is actually and already well known in the most of the cyber and mailing list community in Indonesia. Those people in mailing lists even wrote a poem in his blog, wrote short stories and some great comments addressed to PatanYali, just like PatanYali is an actual, a real and a living creature...:-)...

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